ML-Based Optimization
for Logistics and Procurement

ATA Provides Marketplace Analyses for Data-Driven Decisions

ATA’s logistics and procurement technologies involve a comprehensive approach to data-driven supply chain operations with marketplace analyses powered by machine learning and advanced supply chain analytics.

Operating at a true “big data” scale, and leveraging large amounts of data from public and proprietary sources, the solutions identify historical trends in the supply chain, allowing our customers to determine seasonality in buying, predict prices and costs, identify market areas with the greatest opportunity, and optimize buying and selling strategies to balance risk and reward.

Data pipeline automation simplifies the labor-heavy process of collecting and scraping data from diverse sources, while a scalable, cloud-based platform for data processing allows neural networks and time series analytics to extract insights on actionable timescales.

Solutions for Data-driven
Supply Chain Operations

  • Optimize buying/selling strategies;
  • Identify historical trends in supply and demand, and predict future demand;
  • Predict the price of products and goods;
  • Identify patterns in pricing as a function of quantity bought (i.e., bulk discounts)